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Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in D:\InetPub\vhosts\ahterry-5642.package\staging.runningdept.com\wp-content\themes\kallyas-child\components\theme-subheader\subheader-default.php on line 6


You have done the races, you have followed your trainings and you have broken your own running boundaries. It's time to move on to something else that could be satisfying and of great service to the running community! And No, we're not asking you to stop running. We're asking you to volunteer with us!

We are on the look out for individuals who are able to commit their time with Running Department to take on run leading and pacing projects. We hope that through our community outreach programme, we can nurture passionate runners into future pacers and running leaders.

To find out more, please email to enquiry@staging.runningdept.com.